Thursday, January 16, 2014

CoDA - English Speaking meetings (et Reunions Francaises)

Codependents Anonymous - Co-dependency ( Paris )

             FOR THE NEW OFFICIAL  CoDA France WebSITE go here - 


For healing in our relationships with self and others.

CoDA was started by two Alcoholics named Ken and Mary, it saved their marriage and their lives. Powerful stuff -healing the roots of addiction, focusing on the relationship with ourselves, the inside job. All are welcome.

For any Newcomers....In order to better understand the manifestations of codependency, the "New Patterns of Co-dependence" can be found here:


Pour les reunions en Francais et pour mieux savoir les caractéristiques de la codependance :


Meetings in Paris

3 Mai, 2017  58 rue Madame 75006
18:30-19:45.  First room upon entry. "Force et Unité"
Format in French, but Stepwork and sharing may be done in English as well here. Even if you dont speak French you will be able to work the Steps in a group setting as the questions are available in English. Many of us are bilingual. We write (no obligation) and then share. Its simple.

After we go for a walk in the beautiful Luxembourg gardens, or to a cafe, depending on weather. In August, the space is closed but we still meet out front, post a note on the door, and then walk to the park to do a more discreet version of the meeting outdoors, or in a local cafe if its raining.

A great spot, right in the center of Paris!

"Step into the Light" CoDA meeting 

SUNDAY MEETING  35 RUE ST ROCH, 75001, Metro Opera or Pyramides.  SUNDAYS AT 3PM. Meeting Room: Raimu. 3rd Floor in the back (second staircase). If the room changes on a given day, see the front door for a note or ask around.

Every Sunday (Holidays Included) 3pm-4pm, followed by a group step-study, in a nearby cafe. Come and join us, dive into stepwork and fellowship. During August we have the meeting near the labyrinth gardens next to the Louvre pyramid (in the elevated square of trees, which is on the side of the Arch closest to the river). We  post a note with a map on the door as well for all you treasure hunters :)

"Embrace the Joy - Joie de Vivre" CoDA meeting. NEWS UPDATE : this meeting is happening every Monday. This meeting is now in French (English shares welcome here too).

Monday nights from 8:15-9:30pm. Behind St Elisabeth Church, 10 rue Sainte. Elisabeth. Metro Temple or Republique.
This meeting is now a fully french meeting, the format is now in french. English shares are welcome here, and it is stated in the format that is read aloud each week.

For those outside of Paris - Skype online meetings in the UK can be found  by adding "skypecodahow" to your buddy list, and having skype on at meeting times.

 Reunion Telephonique

"Ensemble"    --   Reunion et groupe d'étude du Workbook du CoDA.

The first ever French CoDA Workbook meeting will be held every Tuesday from 19h30 - 20h30 ( Nouveaux  horaires ).
The meeting is in French but English shares are welcome, and it is stated in the format.

Le première Reunion CoDA basé sur le Workbook (groupe d'étude) de CoDA est de 19h á 20h
Chaque mardi soir. Le réunion est en français mais "les partages en Anglais sont bienvenues ici" est écrit dans le format de 'Ensemble' pour ceux qui veulent participer.

Voila le numéro non-surtaxé  pour la réunion 07 55 50 10 20
Et le code pour entrer dans la salle  312750#
Marche/arrêt de sourdine *6 

Pour Canada ou International non-surtaxé suivi ce lien:

Other sites with recovery wisdom:

Hope to see you...


Tags: Coda meetings paris codependence réunions coda paris meetings co-dependence codependency co-dependency English meetings dependance affectif France codependents anonymous paris france co-dependents meetings emotional sobriety therapie relationnelle reunions quebec montreal codependants affective relationnelle